Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama at Notre Dame

It has been a tradition for the past nine President-elects to visit the University of Notre Dame and deliver the Commencement speech at the graduation.  However, this year there has been quite a dramatic controversy.  The press has been covering this for more than a week.   
Some Catholics are disappointed the newly elected President will speak at the graduation because of his stance on embryonic stem-cell research as well as abortions since these go against the Catholic religion.  Others think it is the respect for President Obama that needs to be considered and not over looked.  Finally a decision has been made and Obama will speak at the University. One woman I spoke with has ties to the University of Notre Dame and she said that she wishes that Notre Dame will go back to it's Catholic roots and not swing to the left.  

However, others disagree. Even Bill O'Reilly from FOX has said he thinks President Obama should be welcomed to the campus.  Since the decision was reached, the press can finally rest on this over-dramatized story. I say "dramatized" because President Obama is not the only President to be disrespected by officials at a University, and I am sure he will not be the last.  Just recently Southern Methodist University in Dallas wanted to name it's library after George W. Bush and some criticized that move.  No matter the political preference there will always be some people who oppose honoring a certain politician. 

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