Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wilmette Murder-Suicide

I am fascinated with anything to do with court cases, and this sure does. 

On February 28 and March 1, Richard Wiley killed his wife and her son, then turned the gun on himself.  He had been arrested in 1985 for the stabbing death of his first wife and served 15 of his 30 year sentence.   Why was he let off so easily?

I went to CNN and searched the articles and this one came up from The Huffington Post. The article it self is basically just fact based.  What is more interesting is the other ways this story has been put out there, facebook.  After the murder-suicide, facebook groups have been popping up every where in memory of Kathy Motes, and her son Christopher. 

I suppose this isn't rare. In most deaths a memory group is formed, but in this particular situation it was interesting to see the actual story unfold in a facebook group as well as on news websites.  

1 comment:

  1. What does this story have to do with court cases? It's a murder trial!

    The other ways the story has been put out there "like" Facebook. You bring up the phenomena, but don't say anything about it. What do the groups have to say? Are they vindictive, angry, mournful?
